I’ve been listening to the Django soundtrack nonstop for a week

Ok I’ve been seriously slacking. Sorry. Highlights from the past two weeks:

I saw One Man, Two Guvnors at the Royal Haymarket Theatre and Feast at The Young Vic. I loved them both! Shocker. damarioLast Saturday, Kimmy and Alex paid me a visit. It was great to see some familiar faces 🙂 We went to dinner at Da Mario, this great, authentic Italian restaurant that Princess Diana took William and Harry to quite often when they were kids. Apparently.

This Monday I went to the National Portrait Gallery for my history class. The hype about Kate’s portrait is absolutely true. It looks like her in 15 years. I just want to know who paid Paul Emsley to make her look so old. Somebody doesn’t like Kate.

IMG_2213Thursday afternoon we had tea at the Gore Hotel. And by tea I mean feast. It was incredible! The tea was actually pretty good. But then there’s the finger sandwiches, and biscuits, and brownies, and macaroons and eclairs…. Fun fact, the IMG_2210Rolling Stones and Judy Garland both have rooms at the hotel named after them because they stayed there so often.

Friday was our day trip to Brighton and I was a giddy child the entire time. Even though the forecast said rain and clouds all day, I just had a feeling that the sun would appear. And what do you know, as soon as we made the 2-hour coach ride to the coast, it did! We went on a tour of the Royal Pavilion, which looks NOTHING like any building I’ve seen in England. The outside is all Indian, the inside is all Chinese, and George IV never went to either so, go figure.

After the tour, I had my first Thai food experience and to my surprise I loved it! IMG_2249Except for the tiny dish of hell-fire that came with my vegetables, everything was delicious. The rest of the afternoon was spent on the pier. It was pretty cold at this point but I was determined to walk on the beach. The stones on the beach were enormous! IMG_2254No clue how people lay on that. But the Channel was crystal clear and so picturesque. If not for the temperature, I could have stayed there all day. The beach is my absolute favorite place in the world. It really doesn’t matter which one, but if I have my iPod, I would be completely content to walk for hours.


After we got home from Brighton, some friends and I went out despite the fact we had the Fulham football game in the morning. I got five hours of sleep, but I woke up, got ready, put on Jump Around and poured some shots – because I’m a Badger.

Our flat pregame was so much fun and luckily we all made it to the game!


It was super cold but it was fun to cheer on a team I had absolutely no allegiance to. In typical gameday fashion, we all took a late afternoon nap, hence why I’m writing this now are 12:30 a.m. Unfortunately, playtime ends tomorrow.

Monday, I have four papers due and a test to take. With Spring Break right around the corner our professors are really cramming as much in as they can. Classic. I can’t complain too much because Thursday at 3:30 a.m. I’m off for my 11-day adventure through Italy. Rome, Florence, Cinque Terre and Venice. Yeaaaa buddy!

So until then, I need to study for a history test, write some papers and do some SERIOUS Oscars stalking. And yes, I will celebrate when Jennifer wins Best Actress and when Anne wins Best Supporting.tumblr_inline_minzxzRWFB1qz4rgp

London ate my boots

Well let’s jump right in shall we? Tuesday night we went to the Somerset House to experience a promenade show, In the Beginning was the End. I would sound insane if I tried to describe everything I saw there, and I’m seriously struggling to think of one person who would have liked it, let alone loved it as much as I did. Promenade theatre isn’t so much about understanding the plot, because often there isn’t  one, but how it makes you feel and what it makes you think about. (I can see my mother roll her eyes as I type.)p014sm9d At the end of the performance, there was a comment book. I struggled to find the words to describe my experience for the past hour and a half. It seemed so cheap to try and comment on the show in less than two sentences. Nevertheless, it was “hauntingly beautiful.”

I can’t complain about the weather because it’s not nearly as cold and we have no snow. However, the insane amount of walking paired with the constant rain has absolutely destroyed my boots. (As in, I’m really not looking forward to buying a new pair of boots this afternoon but I have to because mine are ripped along the seams.) I discovered this Friday when we spent all day touring Oxford!

It was about an hour coach ride from Kensington to the University. Even though I had no idea what we’d be doing for an entire day I figured, it’s only a pound – why not? Well I was quite surprised to find that Oxford University is actually comprised of 38 independent colleges. All specialize in different things and all have different levels of prestige. Sooo the next time someone tells you, “Yea, I studied at Oxford,” you then need to respond, “Really, what college?” (Not that you’d have any background knowledge on the college they tell you, but the point is, they’re not all on the same level!)stairs

It was sunny  which was definitely something to celebrate! I broke out my sunglasses for the first time 🙂 We spent all day walking around campus, and looking at different colleges. The most exciting part of the day was stumbling upon the actual staircase  where Professor McGonagall welcomes the first years in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.

ghNot too far from the staircase was the hall that The Great Hall was inspired by. And while most people associate this room with Harry Potter, it actually origionally inspired the story of Alice in Wonderland. Way to go Christ Church!

Friday night some of my friends and I went to Piccadilly Institute. It was really fun!! The craziest club we’ve been to so far 🙂 And as far as this blog goes,

In other news, a tent for London Fashion week is being assembled right across the street from my front door. I plan to do some serious stalking. Somebody famous is bound to be there and they have to get out of their cars sometime 🙂 Which one should I dress up as? (This article is hilarious.)Screen shot 2013-02-10 at 11.54.08 AM

In between the Golden Globes and SAG awards…

See, this is what happens when I put off writing a blog post. It inevitably turns into a giant list of all the things I’ve done in the past ten days. And what’s worse is that it’s beginning to become impossible to describe the things I seen.

If I backtrack to last Monday, I went to the Museum of London with my history class. I’m still trying to imagine London as I know it today having been ruled by Romans. When we learn about it, it seems pretty obvious. But making that connection has proven to be challenging.  Tuesday, I saw 39 Steps at the Criterion Theatre. 39 steps
Obviously, I was just happy to be sitting inside a theater but the show was great!

Wednesday was our weekly night at the Imperial Union, and Thursday was something I’d been excited for all week.dinner
A delicious, FREE meal with our entire program at Maggie Jones. We’ve all been pretty meat deprived due to cost and time – needless to say, chicken has never tasted so good.

Friday was our daytrip to Windsor Castle. Here in lies the dilemma I mentioned earlier. The inside of this castle was truly unbelievable. For at least an hour, we took a guided audio tour throughout the castle that explained each room and the historical figures and relics that once inhabited it. We’re talking opulence like I’ve never seen before. I walked around with my mouth agape for the majority of the trip because my brain just couldn’t process the idea that people ACTUALLY LIVE LIKE THIS! For good reason, pictures were not allowed, but if you ever go to London, this is an absolute must! By far, the most beautiful and impressive thing I’ve seen so far.  Naturally, a day filled with enlightenment and wonder was ended in true Wisco style – drinking and dancing the night away like fools at O’niells.

Fast forward to this Monday. I spent the morning at The British Museum looking at Scandinavian artifacts (thrilling, I know, but it beats the hell out of lecture.) Though I must say, we were fortunate enough to be taken down, down, downstairs into their archives and shown artifacts that aren’t even on display yet!

Knowing that I had another fieldtrip for a different class in the afternoon, the group I was with decided to stay in the area and have lunch. We happened upon a lovely, authentic Italian restaurant where the food sounded good and the price was right! The cherry on top was that they played non-stop Frank 🙂 I felt oddly at home.  We were all so caught up in our great lunch that we lost track of time and had to book it to our next location! Tubes on tubes on tubes.

I spent Monday afternoon with my history class at The Tower of London. So cool. Quite ominous, but so fascinating. My history nerdism has been in full throttle since I’ve arrived, and I just can’t get enough! Fun fact, the Tower once held a zoo of exotic animals, including a polar bear who apparently fished in the Thames. Built in 1825 by General Custer… I kid. No, William the Conqueror started building this bad boy in 1078 to show London how big and bad he was. Do you know of Dr. Freud Mr. Conqueror?tumblr_m9a5qujhx21qlx6t0o1_500

But, the most awesome (and I mean that literally) exhibit was the crown jewels. Home to the biggest diamonds in the world, crowns, scepters and swords, oh my. I KNOW it’s all real, but in the moment I was oddly underwhelmed because it looked fake. Again, my mind was incapable of processing the fact that what I was seeing was genuine. It all looked like Pretty Pretty Princess to me.

Monday ended at The Old Vic theatre to see Kiss Me Kate the musical. Obviously, I loved it. (I know nobody reading this actually cares about the musical I geeked out at.) BUT BUT BUT, one of the supporting characters was none other than the hotty patotty from Coyote Ugly aka Adam Garcia. As if he wasn’t beautiful enough, he has the voice of an angel and can dance like nobody’s business.

So… this post is sups long and I’m sure I lost most of you like four paragraphs back, but if you’re still with me I have my first day of my internship tomorrow so, fingers crossed!!  Tons of my ladies are leaving me for Scotland tonight so I have no idea what my weekend looks like right now. But, I’m sure finding something to do in London won’t be too difficult.

Our first fight

London and I have been dating for a little over a week now and it has been absolute bliss. Everyday is something new and exciting to see or discover. Even the little quirks that would bother most people I can overlook because I’m enamored with this city. But, like all relationships, the honeymoon phase can’t last forever. Friday afternoon, London and I had our first fight.

I’ve been incredibly lucky to be given the opportunity to intern (unofficially and unpaid of course) while I’m here in London at BBN. This entire past week I had plans to meet with my boss, for all intent and purposes, on Friday afternoon for coffee near her office. I knew this meant taking the tube by myself for the first time. I routed my trip and knew exactly where I needed to be, and what line to take. As soon as I got to my platform, they announced that ALL eastbound trains would be delayed indefinitely due to maintenance.The-Office-gifs-the-office-14948948-240-196

Perfect! The first time I take the tube on my own this would happen.

My simple, 20 minute tube ride turned into an hour-and-a-half journey and 3 tube rides in the most round about way. It was so stressful because all of a sudden HUNDREDS of people are all trying to do the same thing. And I had no reception down in the tube to call my boss and tell her I was running late. Half way through I got a hold of her and told her what was going on. Although she was really cool about it, it didn’t make my situation any less confusing and stressful. I’m trying to read this tube map, Standard Tube map

and ask attendants for help but every time I’d get to the next checkpoint, the tube I needed to take had broken down and I was then re-routed.

I was standing in the middle of a random station, by myself, angry and confused. I wanted to scream! And at that moment, I hated the city. In the moment London was cold, unfriendly, annoying, and frustrating. But in the moment, I had no option other than to figure it out. And I did.

I got where I needed to be and my meeting with my boss was lovely. She showed me around her office, where I’ll be sitting, and we discussed so many exciting opportunities I have this semester while working for her. On my way out of her office, London was waiting for me right outside the front entrance.

But much, much closer!

But much, much closer!

As angry as I had been at him just a few hours prior, how could I not forgive  after a gesture like that?

After a really great Friday night at the Union bar, London and I are back on track. There are undoubtedly still some growing pains ahead, but I think London’s worth it 🙂

Hello London!

What’s up Amurica!? So much has happened in the last six days. I flew out of Milwaukee with three other girls last Wednesday night and arrived at Heathrow airport late Thursday morning. Travel went smoothly and once everyone had received their luggage, we were off to the tube. I’ll admit that it was a bit intimidating, but once we figured it out it ended up saving us a lot of money.  40 minutes later we arrived in the burro of Kensington and said hello to our home for the next 3 months, 37 Hyde Park Gate.37

The past few days have been an attempt to get settled while staying awake and busy so we can adjust to London time. I’m 6 hours ahead of ya’ll! (So if you see that I’ve posted thing on facebook/Twitter at strange hours, keep that in mind.) Friday we went on a walking tour of much of Kensington which just happens to be the wealthiest part of London. We spent all day walking through Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens (my front yard) and the surrounding streets. As if living down the street from Kensington Palace (William and Kate’s residence) isn’t enough, our neighborhood is filled with over 100 embassies and homes that cost as much as ÂŁ300,000,000 or $480,000,000!!

Saturday, all 46 of us were up bright and early for a six-hour bus tour of all of London. I posted all my photos of the tour on facebook if you’re interested! While most of the sights were seen from inside the bus, we did make a stop outside the House of Commons as well as Buckingham Palace. After a nap and freshening up, a group of girls and I went out for our first taste of London nightlife. Our advisors tried to tell us that British boys are much more reserved than American boys. “They won’t come right up to you and ask to buy you a drink.”


We got home from Bar Rumba in Piccadilly Circus in the wee, wee small hours of the morning. Needless to say, it was a blast! God bless the UK drinking age.

The biggest adjustments so far have been the cost of everything and the weather. UPCOMING RANT ABOUT HOW EXPENSIVE LIFE IS. FEEL FREE TO SKIP. The dollar SUCKS! I mean, I knew it would be expensive but, a certain Sweet Home Alabama line is constantly on the tip of my tongue. The amount I spend on a weeks worth of groceries in Madison bought a few days worth here, and all of it was the cheapest, most random, edible items Tesco had to offer. And then there’s buying a phone, and an oyster card, and planning sightseeing trips, and spring break?? Kiss any decent kind of booze goodbye. And every time you run out of money, you have to pay, to withdraw more money! We’ve all been on the brink of mental breakdowns, and obsessively checking our bank accounts online. All college students constantly claim to be “poor” (Hermione’s got my response covered.)

Anyway, I still can’t believe I actually live here! Every step outside my flat is so ridiculously picturesque. It’s even better than I imagined it and knowing that I’ve experienced so little of London is hard to believe and wonderfully overwhelming. One of the greatest perks of my program is the “pound trips.” Staff organized trips to museums, plays, dinners and famous monuments for only a pound!! Our first one is coming up later this week.

Oh yea, and today was our first day of class. The two professors I met today both seemed enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable but, let’s be real, school is pretty low on the totem pole. I mean, can you blame us!? We’re in LONDON!!!!406994_large

I promise, this is not what you think

wonkaI agree with just about everything Condescending Wonka has to say, and this meme is no exception. Yes, it’s true, I am studying abroad this spring in London. I know what you must be thinking. “Great, this girl’s gonna blow up my newsfeed for the next four months talking about the ‘life changing’ pizza she had in Italy and how beautiful the view is from the London Eye.” While I’m sure both of those are true, I can promise you, this is not that kind of blog.

To be real, I’m making this for myself. (Since a certain University didn’t  select me to write their study abroad blog for them) While I really like the romantic notion of myself carrying a weathered, leather journal all across Europe, it’s just not conducive with my obsessive need to check my social media outlets. Plus, my handwriting is disgusting. Anyway, I decided to make a blog so I can expand on my experiences in a way that photo captions like “pretty” really can’t capture.

The next time I leave Amurica for non-tropical reasons, well quite frankly I’ll be older than I feel comfortable imagining myself. Therefore, I want to remember as much as possible about all aspects of this journey. I use the word journey in a purposeful way. A lot has happened from the day I decided I wanted to go abroad up until now. There was the saving of money, and convincing my parents it would be a valid use of my time/money, and applying to the program, and buying a plane ticket, and now writing this blog post instead of studying for my finals. I still can’t believe I leave in less than a month.

If nobody out there ever bothers to read this that’s fine, because I figure I can at least put it on a resume as some sort of journalistic endeavor. BUT, if you do decide to see how I’m coping without E! network or Pucker (still holding out hope that I can find it there) here is what you’ll find:

1. Travel stories – Navigating international planes, trains, tubes, hostels, gondolas, donkeys (Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants style) It’s sink or swim people.

2. “Hello fellas, here I am…” – In no way am I  implying the rest of that quote but LADIES, you can’t deny those accents. I’ll report back if the London gentleman are really all they’re cracked up to be. Those of you who know me know I’m a sucker for an accent and combed over bangs. We’ll see what happens.

3. To all my Harry Potter, Pride and Prejudice, and Robert Pattinson loving friends – British culture in general! I can’t wait to go to all those famous places and take pictures and be super touristy! Why the hell not?

4. Not so PC  – Ooo, that’s the other thing. Those of you who know me, know I’m not always the most politically correct gal. I will report things exactly the way I see them. Let’s talk stereotypes. #sorrynotsorry.

5. Sprecken sie Rahch? –  As a result of the amount of television, movies, music, books (jk with the last one) I encounter on a daily basis, I’ve developed a dialect that’s about 50 percent references to other things. If you ever find that you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’ll be safe to assume it’s a quote from something.

So that’s about it. Comment if you’d like! Make requests. If you have any burning questions like, “How far away do you live from Princess Kate?” or “Are French people really as mean as they’re made out to be?” I’ll be happy to investigate and get back to you. In the mean time, I’ve got less than four weeks to figure out how to pack four months of clothes into two suitcases. And Chela, before you comment how much you love packing, you know I’ll be enlisting your help.